Thursday, January 1, 2015

PLEASE! Don't make another resolution!

It's New Year's Day (aka International Hangover Day)! So many amazing things are happening today! Rent is due. Brunch is crowded and tasting delicious. Vomit is drying on sidewalks all over the world. Yes... it is undeniable that January 1st is a very special day.  There is an electricity in the air.  There is a feeling that all things are possible.  Life is hitting a magical reset button.  Goals are being set! Resolutions are being made! Can you feel the magic?!?  I can too, but not just because it's the beginning of a new year.

There is magic in every month, every day, and every moment!  We should treat each second of our lives with the same respect as we treat midnight on New Year's Day.  I'm not telling you to develop an alcoholic habit and scream at the top of your lungs every minute of every day.  I'm asking you to give yourself permission to live each moment with conviction, authority, and prosperity! This present moment is not defined by the restraints of our past and cannot be realized based on the non-existent promise of our future.  That's why I have to let you in on a little secret... NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS DON'T WORK! Don't believe me? 

I recently overheard a conversation at a New Year party that went something like this:

Girl eating chips: "Have you made your new year resolution yet?"
Girl eating a cupcake: "Umm... I don't know what I'm going to do this year."
Chip girl: "Oh come on! I'm sure you've thought about doing something!
Cupcake girl: "Well... I do want to lose some weight this year!  I'll make that my resolution!" 
Chip girl: (licking the salt from her fingers) "Oh my gosh! That's mine too! Resolution twins!"

I wanted to interrupt their conversation so badly! I wanted to yell and tell them that New Year resolutions are pointless! Here's why:

1. We CANNOT actively LOSE anything.  Loss is not a property that life recognizes.  It's a new year! Let's talk about what we're gaining! Let's talk about how we're winning! Instead of losing weight let's gain health! Let's gain better eating and exercise habits!  That 2011 Special K campaign was on the right track!

2. The New Year is happening RIGHT NOW.  Who cares what you are GOING to do? I don't and the universe surely doesn't.  I want to know what you're doing right now! 2015 is here! Who are you?  The only way you can fully committed to something is to make it a part of who you say you are!

3. We have to BE SPECIFIC people!  How much weight is SOME? Would you start a new job if they promised to pay you SOME money at SOMEtime SOMEhow? No! You want to know how much.  You want to know when you will get your money and how it will be given to you!  That's how things happen people.  You have to be just as specific when asking things of yourself.

It turns out that the only thing that I was able to say to the cupcake and chip girls in my bourbon-induced state was, "Can you pass the Doritos?"  But you know what? I don't regret that at all because my lack of interruption has led me to interrupt all of you with this new blog before you make too many resolutions.  We've been asking each other the wrong questions.  Stop asking people about their resolutions and start asking people about who they are!

So... I'm asking you! Participants of the year 2015, WHO ARE YOU?

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